Nationally Recognised Training


MSF30322 - Certificate III in Cabinetmaking and Timber Technology
Workers with this qualification have tradesperson-level skills in the manufacture and/or installation of products, including furniture and cabinetry, made from timber and other materials.

They have core skills in tool use, measuring, drawing (including computer-aided design), interpreting work documentation, preparing cutting lists, communication, teamwork, and safe and environmentally sustainable work practices. They may have specialised skills in wood machining, cabinet and furniture making, kitchen and bathroom construction and installation, marine cabinetry, coopering or drafting.

Work is in a defined range of skilled operations, usually within a range of broader activities involving established routines, methods and procedures, where some discretion and judgement is required in the selection of equipment, services or contingency measures. Individuals collaborate with others to achieve quality outcomes and take responsibility for their own work. They may have some limited responsibility for the work of others.


CPC30120 - Certificate III in Shopfitting
This qualification reflects the role of shopfitters who construct or renovate commercial premises such as retail or office environments. It includes the skills and knowledge required to work safely using tools and equipment and to apply information from plans and drawings to fabricate, assemble and fix shop fronts and install internal units and partitions.





Recognition of Prior Learning


Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) & Credit Transfer
Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer means that a student may be able to receive recognition for specific competencies, acquired knowledge and skills through other studies, training, and experience at work or from everyday life experiences.


RPL is an assessment process that evaluates an individual’s current work skills, experience, knowledge and attributes (non-formal and informal learning) to determine the extent to which the individual has achieved the required industry standards for entry to, and/or partial or total completion of a qualification.


On Site assessing Pty Ltd acknowledges the value of providing opportunities for students to build upon their prior learning, whether this learning was acquired through structured courses or gained through life experience.


On Site Assessing Pty Ltd also acknowledges that students should not have to repeat learning that has been successfully completed elsewhere.


The RPL & credit transfer decisions are to be made by assessors who meet Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015. Assessment of competency is based on evidence gained through a combination of evidence sources such as documentation, questioning of knowledge, observation of skills demonstration and referee verification.



Performance Level Assessment (PLA) is not applicable to RPL.



RPL for User Choice Candidates
Apprentices are encouraged to undertake a RPL assessment up front to ensure that they only receive training for competencies where they do not have sufficient knowledge and skills.


Department on Employment, Small Business and Training (DESBT)

Recognition of prior learning (RPL)